Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Career Goals…Agent, Critic, Artist, Educator, Social Business Entrepreneur?
I would love to have a job which allowed me to travel and have lots of free time. I was once a slave to the system and I won’t let that happen again. For the first time, maybe ever, I know what direction to go. I see my life as being full of opportunity and the future is open for me to create. Above all, I stand for making our world a better place. This can be done on a number of levels and in so many different ways. I am awake, I have a voice, and I can contribute to the solution. In some cases the issues that we challenge may extend beyond our lifetimes. We should each be able to sacrifice a little now to help insure a prosperous future.
So where does someone like me fit into the working world? I don’t know of an official term for what I want to be but “agent” might be close. Some of my activities may include connecting things…people, ideas, artists, communities, actions. Or even standing up to things that I know are wrong or unjust. In a way, an agent could be seen as a soldier, fighting for their beliefs and values. We are truly in a war, one like never before, it is taking place in our collective thoughts, and we must make our move while there is still time. Revolution! Sometimes I wonder about my role...can I really make a difference?
I have also thought about being a critic. A critic could be very closely tied to an agent in a number of respects. Both would include speaking your mind, investigating things, sharing your ideas, and all with the intention to help others. A critic of art, new media art, products, services, technology and just about anything you can think of. I’m not really sure how I would get to this goal? Do I just start my own website with many daily activities and updates which would have a healthy following of viewers, readers, and contributors?
As a full time new media artist I would have to participate with galleries and really try to get myself known and out there. This path might have to start off as a part-time hobby but if positive things started to happen than this would be an extremely rewarding direction. I have also thought about making video documentaries, I would get to travel, create art, and fill my responsibilities as an agent.
ADD ON: March 18 2008
I’ve thought about teaching before but the situation would have to be right. (I remember what school kids can be like from the age of 12-18…have I got some stories) Anyway, the existing primary school system could be vastly improved. I would love to express ideas about this very soon. The topic can get into a sticky mess in a hurry. What to do with the youth? Should they be encouraged to follow their own ways? I mean, looking from the perspective that different individuals have different gifts. I would strongly consider being an instructor…if it is where I’d do the most good?
The next day I watched this video http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/233
Dave Eggers: 2008 TED Prize wish: Once Upon a School. It's 25 minutes well spent.

As noted in the ”Creating a Poverty-Free World” post… “Social Business Entrepreneurs are the answer”. So where so I sign up? I need to find out more about this kind of stuff!?
In the distant future…our GWS (Global World System) will have room for everybody. No more poverty! Give everyone a get a chance to live! Our collective consciousness is waking and soon we will make a difference. For now I will just spread the ideas around.

I plan to do more research in these areas and will update the blog as things develop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also an agent sometimes, if your definition is fighting for your beliefs. Sometimes I just can't resist the temptation of doing what I believe in.

An inspiring site for entrepreneurs, the Young Entrepreneur Society from the www.YoungEntrepreneurSociety.com. A great documentary about successful entrepreneurs.

Alien RA has been released with a new name :) Visit my REDBUBBLE SHOP!